2 Search gene metadata

genInfo() function helps the user quickly search batch of gene metadata such as names, location, GC content, etc.

2.1 Supported organisms

It supports 195 vertebrate species, 120 plant species, and two bacteria species. All data is up-to-date.

# install.packages('DT')
DT::datatable(ensOrg_name, options = list(pageLength = 10))

A user could select an organism name from the latin_short_name column.

The common name is also acceptable for popular research species (e.g., human, mouse, rat, fly, zebrafish, worm, chicken). Take human as an example, the official latin short name is “hsapiens”, while" hg“,”hsa“,”hs“, or”human" are also acceptable.

2.2 Basic usage

genInfo only has three arguments:

  • id: gene id (symbol, Entrez or Ensembl) or protein id

  • org: organism name, default is human

  • unique: TRUE or FALSE. Commonly, one gene could have many other types of matched records. For example, the human HBD gene has three matched Entrez IDs: 3045, 85349, and 100187828. If TRUE, only return a one-to-one match result with smallest entrezid or maximal information (that is minimal NAs). See example genekitr feature2.

id <- c("TP53", "BRCA1", "TET2")
info <- genInfo(id)
##  [1] "input_id"         "symbol"           "entrezid"         "ensembl"         
##  [5] "uniprot"          "chr"              "start"            "end"             
##  [9] "width"            "strand"           "gene_name"        "ncbi_alias"      
## [13] "ensembl_alias"    "gc_content"       "gene_biotype"     "transcript_count"
## [17] "hgnc_id"          "omim"             "ccds"             "reactome"        
## [21] "ucsc"             "mirbase_id"       "cell_marker"
head(info, 3)
##   input_id symbol entrezid         ensembl
## 1     TP53   TP53     7157 ENSG00000141510
## 2    BRCA1  BRCA1      672 ENSG00000012048
## 3     TET2   TET2    54790 ENSG00000168769
##                                                              uniprot chr
## 1 K7PPA8; P04637; Q53GA5; H2EHT1; A0A087X1Q1; A0A087WXZ1; A0A087WT22  17
## 2                                                 P38398; A0A024R1V0  17
## 3                                     A0A158SIU0; Q6N021; A0A024RDF7   4
##       start       end  width strand                        gene_name
## 1   7661779   7687538  25760     -1                tumor protein p53
## 2  43044295  43170245 125951     -1      BRCA1 DNA repair associated
## 3 105145875 105279816 133942      1 tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2
##                                                        ncbi_alias
## 1                                   BCC7; BMFS5; LFS1; P53; TRP53
## 3                                            IMD75; KIAA1546; MDS
##                  ensembl_alias gc_content   gene_biotype transcript_count
## 1                    LFS1; p53      48.85 protein_coding               27
## 2 BRCC1; FANCS; PPP1R53; RNF53      44.09 protein_coding               34
## 3           FLJ20032; KIAA1546      36.29 protein_coding                9
##      hgnc_id   omim
## 1 HGNC:11998 191170
## 2  HGNC:1100 113705
## 3 HGNC:25941 612839
##                                                                                                                                 ccds
## 1 CCDS73967; CCDS73966; CCDS73968; CCDS73964; CCDS73965; CCDS73963; CCDS73969; CCDS45606; CCDS45605; CCDS73970; CCDS73971; CCDS11118
## 2                                                                              CCDS11453; CCDS11456; CCDS11455; CCDS11459; CCDS11454
## 3                                                                                                              CCDS3666; ; CCDS47120
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                reactome
## 1 R-HSA-1643685; R-HSA-392499; R-HSA-597592; R-HSA-109582; R-HSA-168256; R-HSA-212436; R-HSA-2262752; R-HSA-73857; R-HSA-74160; R-HSA-8953897; R-HSA-162582; R-HSA-5688426; R-HSA-5689880; R-HSA-2990846; R-HSA-3108232; R-HSA-5693532; R-HSA-73894; R-HSA-109581; R-HSA-109606; R-HSA-114452; R-HSA-1257604; R-HSA-5357801; R-HSA-9006925; R-HSA-1640170; R-HSA-69278; R-HSA-69620; R-HSA-3700989; R-HSA-5633008; R-HSA-6803207; R-HSA-5218859; R-HSA-157118; R-HSA-6807070; R-HSA-8943724; R-HSA-983231; R-HSA-2559583; R-HSA-8853884; R-HSA-6796648; R-HSA-453274; R-HSA-69275; R-HSA-1912408; R-HSA-1912422; R-HSA-6803204; R-HSA-8878159; R-HSA-390466; R-HSA-390471; R-HSA-391251; R-HSA-1280215; R-HSA-449147; R-HSA-69481; R-HSA-6785807; R-HSA-2559580; R-HSA-2559585; R-HSA-349425; R-HSA-69541; R-HSA-69563; R-HSA-69580; R-HSA-69615; R-HSA-8852276; R-HSA-3232118; R-HSA-5693565; R-HSA-5693606; R-HSA-5633007; R-HSA-6804756; R-HSA-69473; R-HSA-9645723; R-HSA-5689896; R-HSA-8941855; R-HSA-2559586; R-HSA-5628897; R-HSA-6804757; R-HSA-6804759; R-HSA-6806003; R-HSA-6803211; R-HSA-5620971; R-HSA-6804754; R-HSA-6804758; R-HSA-139915; R-HSA-6803205; R-HSA-6791312; R-HSA-6804115; R-HSA-6804114; R-HSA-6804116; R-HSA-69560; R-HSA-69895; R-HSA-2559584; R-HSA-6804760; R-HSA-6811555; R-HSA-111448; R-HSA-9723905; R-HSA-9723907
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      R-HSA-1643685; R-HSA-392499; R-HSA-597592; R-HSA-212436; R-HSA-73857; R-HSA-74160; R-HSA-5688426; R-HSA-2990846; R-HSA-3108214; R-HSA-3108232; R-HSA-5685938; R-HSA-5693532; R-HSA-5693538; R-HSA-5693567; R-HSA-73894; R-HSA-1640170; R-HSA-69620; R-HSA-3700989; R-HSA-6796648; R-HSA-69481; R-HSA-5693565; R-HSA-5693606; R-HSA-1474165; R-HSA-1221632; R-HSA-1500620; R-HSA-5633007; R-HSA-5685942; R-HSA-5689901; R-HSA-5693537; R-HSA-5693554; R-HSA-5693568; R-HSA-5693571; R-HSA-5693579; R-HSA-5693607; R-HSA-5693616; R-HSA-6804756; R-HSA-69473; R-HSA-8953750; R-HSA-912446; R-HSA-9663199; R-HSA-9675135; R-HSA-9675136; R-HSA-9699150; R-HSA-9701193; R-HSA-9704331; R-HSA-9704646
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              R-HSA-74160; R-HSA-212165; R-HSA-5221030
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ucsc
## 1                                                                                     uc002gig.2; uc284ohw.1; uc002gih.5; uc060auo.1; uc060aup.1; uc060auq.1; uc010cnf.2; uc010cng.2; uc002gii.2; uc031qyq.2; uc002gij.4; uc060aus.1; uc060aut.1; uc010cnh.4; uc060auu.1; uc060auv.1; uc060aur.2; uc002gim.5; uc060auw.1; uc060auy.1; uc060auz.1; uc010cnj.2; uc060ava.1; uc060avb.1; uc060avc.1; uc060avd.1; uc032esw.2
## 2 uc060fri.1; uc002icq.6; uc002ict.5; uc002icu.4; uc285oaj.1; uc010whm.3; uc010whn.3; uc060frj.1; uc010cyx.4; uc060frk.1; uc060frl.1; uc060frm.1; uc060frn.1; uc060fro.1; uc060frp.1; uc060frq.1; uc060frr.1; uc060frs.1; uc002idd.5; uc284oig.1; uc060frt.1; uc060fru.1; uc287jed.1; uc060frv.1; uc060frw.1; uc060frx.1; uc060fry.1; uc060frz.1; uc285oak.1; uc060fsa.1; uc060fsb.1; uc060fsc.1; uc285oal.1; uc060fsd.1
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             uc021xqk.1; uc011cez.3; uc062ysb.1; uc003hxj.3; uc003hxk.5; uc062ysc.1; uc010ilp.3; uc062yse.1; uc062ysf.1
##   mirbase_id
## 1       <NA>
## 2       <NA>
## 3       <NA>
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          cell_marker
## 1                               Fetal gonad|T|Mitotic fetal germ cell; Fetal gonad|T|Gonadal endothelial cell; Fetal kidney|T|Natural killer T (NKT) cell; Fetal gonad|N|Mitotic fetal germ cell; Fetal gonad|N|Gonadal endothelial cell; Fetal kidney|N|Natural killer T (NKT) cell
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                             Fetal kidney|T|Natural killer T (NKT) cell; Fetal kidney|N|Natural killer T (NKT) cell
## 3 Embryo|T|Trophectoderm cell; Liver|T|Exhausted CD8+ T cell; Liver|T|Regulatory T (Treg) cell; Fetal kidney|T|Natural killer T (NKT) cell; Embryo|N|Trophectoderm cell; Liver|T|Exhausted CD8+ T cell; Liver|T|Regulatory T (Treg) cell; Fetal kidney|N|Natural killer T (NKT) cell

2.3 Features

2.3.1 f1: keep input order

genInfo result will strictly keep up with the input order.

If a gene id is unrecognized (e.g., misspelled or does not belong to the organism), the return data will be NA.

id <- c(
  "MCM10", "CDC20", "S100A9",
  "FAKEID", "TP53", "HBD", "NUDT10"
# for human id, no need to input the org argument
info <- genInfo(id, unique = TRUE)
identical(id, info$input_id)
## [1] TRUE
head(info, 3)
##   input_id symbol entrezid         ensembl uniprot chr     start       end
## 1    MCM10  MCM10    55388 ENSG00000065328  Q7L590  10  13161558  13211110
## 2    CDC20  CDC20      991 ENSG00000117399  Q12834   1  43358981  43363203
## 3   S100A9 S100A9     6280 ENSG00000163220  P06702   1 153357854 153361023
##   width strand                                                   gene_name
## 1 49553      1 minichromosome maintenance 10 replication initiation factor
## 2  4223      1                                      cell division cycle 20
## 3  3170      1                             S100 calcium binding protein A9
##                                                                    ncbi_alias
## 1                                                CNA43; DNA43; IMD80; PRO2249
## 2                                                  CDC20A; bA276H19.3; p55CDC
## 3 60B8AG; CAGB; CFAG; CGLB; L1AG; LIAG; MAC387; MIF; MRP14; NIF; P14; S100-A9
##                                                                   ensembl_alias
## 1                                                         CNA43; DNA43; PRO2249
## 2                                                                CDC20A; p55CDC
## 3 60B8AG; CAGB; CFAG; CGLB; LIAG; MAC387; MIF; MRP-14; MRP14; NIF; P14; S100-A9
##   gc_content   gene_biotype transcript_count    hgnc_id   omim
## 1      43.59 protein_coding                7 HGNC:18043 609357
## 2      52.17 protein_coding                4  HGNC:1723 603618
## 3      52.56 protein_coding                1 HGNC:10499 123886
##                   ccds
## 1 CCDS7095; ; CCDS7096
## 2              CCDS484
## 3             CCDS1036
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         reactome
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           R-HSA-1640170; R-HSA-69278; R-HSA-69620; R-HSA-69306; R-HSA-176187; R-HSA-453279; R-HSA-68962; R-HSA-69002; R-HSA-69206; R-HSA-69481
## 2 R-HSA-392499; R-HSA-597592; R-HSA-168256; R-HSA-162582; R-HSA-194315; R-HSA-195258; R-HSA-5688426; R-HSA-5689880; R-HSA-9716542; R-HSA-1280218; R-HSA-141424; R-HSA-141444; R-HSA-1640170; R-HSA-2467813; R-HSA-2500257; R-HSA-2555396; R-HSA-5663220; R-HSA-68877; R-HSA-68882; R-HSA-68886; R-HSA-69278; R-HSA-69618; R-HSA-69620; R-HSA-9648025; R-HSA-983168; R-HSA-983169; R-HSA-141405; R-HSA-141430; R-HSA-174048; R-HSA-174143; R-HSA-174154; R-HSA-174178; R-HSA-174184; R-HSA-176407; R-HSA-176408; R-HSA-176409; R-HSA-176814; R-HSA-179409; R-HSA-179419; R-HSA-453276; R-HSA-174113; R-HSA-176417
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                       R-HSA-1643685; R-HSA-168249; R-HSA-168256; R-HSA-6798695; R-HSA-162582; R-HSA-194315; R-HSA-195258; R-HSA-9716542; R-HSA-1280218; R-HSA-983169; R-HSA-166016; R-HSA-168898; R-HSA-5668599; R-HSA-1236974; R-HSA-1236975; R-HSA-6803157; R-HSA-166058; R-HSA-168179; R-HSA-168188; R-HSA-181438; R-HSA-5260271; R-HSA-5602358; R-HSA-5602498; R-HSA-5603041; R-HSA-6799990; R-HSA-5686938
##                                                                                 ucsc
## 1 uc001imb.4; uc057rtn.1; uc001ima.4; uc057rto.1; uc057rtp.1; uc057rtq.1; uc057rtr.1
## 2                                     uc001cix.5; uc001ciy.4; uc057fmt.1; uc057fmu.1
## 3                                                                         uc001fbq.4
##   mirbase_id
## 1       <NA>
## 2       <NA>
## 3       <NA>
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cell_marker
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fetal gonad|T|Migration phase fetal germ cell; Umbilical cord blood|T|Granulocyte-monocyte progenitor; Fetal gonad|N|Migration phase fetal germ cell; Umbilical cord blood|N|Granulocyte-monocyte progenitor
## 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Embryonic prefrontal cortex|T|Neural progenitor cell; Muscle|T|Myoblast; Large intestine|T|MKI67+ progenitor cell; Embryonic prefrontal cortex|N|Neural progenitor cell; Muscle|N|Myoblast; Large intestine|N|MKI67+ progenitor cell
## 3 Small intestine|T|Enterocyte progenitor cell; Fetal gonad|T|Granulosa cell; Blood|T|CD1C+_B dendritic cell; Fetal kidney|T|Monocyte; Kidney|T|Neutrophil; Kidney|T|Plasma cell; Kidney|T|Neutrophil; Undefined|N|Eosinophil; Undefined|N|Neutrophil; Bone marrow|N|Monocyte derived dendritic cell; Small intestine|N|Enterocyte progenitor cell; Fetal gonad|N|Granulosa cell; Blood|N|CD1C+_B dendritic cell; Fetal kidney|N|Monocyte; Kidney|N|Neutrophil; Kidney|T|Plasma cell; Kidney|T|Neutrophil

2.3.2 f2: keep unique or not

If unique = TRUE, only one record with maximal information is returned.

id <- "HBD"
uniq_info <- genInfo(id, org = "hs", unique = TRUE)
uniq_info[, 1:4]
##   input_id symbol entrezid         ensembl
## 2      HBD    HBD     3045 ENSG00000223609
all_info <- genInfo(id, org = "hs", unique = FALSE)
all_info[, 1:4]
##   input_id symbol  entrezid         ensembl
## 1      HBD    HBD 100187828 ENSG00000223609
## 2      HBD    HBD      3045 ENSG00000223609
## 3      HBD KRT87P     85349 ENSG00000135477

2.3.3 f3: disambiguation feature distinguish from gene symbol and alias

Many common gene names are gene alias, but many tools only accept gene symbols which cause gene information to be lost. For example, “BCC7” is the alias of “TP53” and “PD1” has three aliases: “PDCD1”, “SNCA” and “SPATA2” while few enrichment analyses tools recognize “BCC7”.

id <- c("BCC7", "PD1")
##   input_id symbol entrezid         ensembl
## 1     BCC7   TP53     7157 ENSG00000141510
## 2      PD1  PDCD1     5133 ENSG00000276977
## 3      PD1  PDCD1     5133 ENSG00000188389
## 4      PD1   SNCA     6622 ENSG00000145335
## 5      PD1 SPATA2     9825 ENSG00000158480 distinguish gene symbol with special characters

id <- c("TNF-α", "κB-Ras2")
##   input_id  symbol entrezid         ensembl
## 1    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000228978
## 2    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000228321
## 3    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000232810
## 4    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000204490
## 5    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000230108
## 6    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000223952
## 7    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000206439
## 8    TNF-α     TNF     7124 ENSG00000228849
## 9  κB-Ras2 NKIRAS2    28511 ENSG00000168256

2.3.4 f4: count organism gene types

org <- "hs"
uniq_symbol <- genInfo(org = org) %>%
  dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene_biotype)) %>%
  dplyr::distinct(symbol, .keep_all = T)

uniq_symbol %>%
##                          IG_C_gene                    IG_C_pseudogene 
##                                 14                                  9 
##                          IG_D_gene                          IG_J_gene 
##                                 37                                 18 
##                    IG_J_pseudogene                          IG_V_gene 
##                                  3                                144 
##                    IG_V_pseudogene                            Mt_rRNA 
##                                184                                  2 
##                            Mt_tRNA                                TEC 
##                                 23                                 27 
##                          TR_C_gene                          TR_D_gene 
##                                  7                                  4 
##                          TR_J_gene                    TR_J_pseudogene 
##                                 79                                  4 
##                          TR_V_gene                    TR_V_pseudogene 
##                                107                                 33 
##                             lncRNA                              miRNA 
##                               6095                               1852 
##                           misc_RNA             polymorphic_pseudogene 
##                               1034                                 49 
##               processed_pseudogene                     protein_coding 
##                               7199                              19572 
##                               rRNA                    rRNA_pseudogene 
##                                 46                                496 
##                           ribozyme                               sRNA 
##                                  4                                  1 
##                              scRNA                             scaRNA 
##                                  1                                 18 
##                              snRNA                             snoRNA 
##                               1833                                437 
##   transcribed_processed_pseudogene     transcribed_unitary_pseudogene 
##                                355                                132 
## transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene    translated_processed_pseudogene 
##                                770                                  2 
##  translated_unprocessed_pseudogene                 unitary_pseudogene 
##                                  2                                 78 
##             unprocessed_pseudogene 
##                               1706

2.3.5 f5: extract all metadata

If user only wants to get all information, just give org argument alone.

all_human_data <- genInfo(org = "human")
## [1] 92441    22

2.3.6 f6: extract specific biotype genes Get all human protein-coding genes:
hg_pro_gene <- uniq_symbol %>%
  dplyr::filter(gene_biotype == "protein_coding") %>%

## [1] 19572 Compare with HGNC data:
hgnc_data <- vroom::vroom("http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/genenames/hgnc/tsv/locus_types/gene_with_protein_product.txt")
hgnc_symbol <- hgnc_data$symbol
  genekitr_symbol = hg_pro_gene,
  hgnc_symbol = hgnc_symbol

Check some missing gene names in our result:

check_genes <- head(hgnc_symbol[!hgnc_symbol %in% hg_pro_gene], 3)
hgnc_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(symbol %in% check_genes) %>%
    symbol, date_approved_reserved, date_symbol_changed,
##   symbol date_approved_reserved date_symbol_changed entrez_id
## 1  ABTB3             2003-12-15          2022-05-13    121551
## 2 ADGRF2             2002-11-26          2015-03-03    222611
## 3  AKR7L             2008-12-09                <NA>    246181

Let’s look at the first one “ABTB3”:

It seems that the gene “ABTB3” is recently modified, while it is also known as “BTBD11” which matched with our Ensembl data: ENSG00000151136

##   input_id         ensembl symbol
## 1   121551 ENSG00000151136 BTBD11

So the reason for the mismatch is out-of-sync of the large database Ensembl and NCBI. However, the mismatch number is small so the effect is not serious.

Here is my personal view:

NCBI updates backend data everydata while Ensembl follows a quarterly update cycle.

As long as our genes are not so outdated, it can also finish gene annotation such as enrichment analysis. It is not recommended to keep gene names updated like NCBI because other large databases could not follow a very high updating frequency.

For example, the gene “BTBD11” (BTB/POZ domain-containing protein 11) could be recognized in GeneOntology while the latest one “ABTB3” is not synced yet. If using NCBI name, user may not get related enrichment information about this gene.

BTBD11 vs ABTB3 in GeneOntology

Figure 2.1: BTBD11 vs ABTB3 in GeneOntology Compare with orgDb in Bioconductor

Because genekitr combines both Ensembl and NCBI data, it could handle more gene ids than common organism-level (‘org’) packages in Bioconductor.

# using orgdb
org_dat = AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db,
                keys = AnnotationDbi::keys(org.Hs.eg.db),
                keytype = 'ENTREZID',
                columns = 'SYMBOL')
org_sym <- unique(org_dat$SYMBOL)
## [1] 61538
# using genekitr
genekitr_sym <- unique(na.omit(all_human_data$symbol))
## [1] 66229
  org_sym = org_sym,
  genekitr_sym = genekitr_sym

Some genes only exist in genekitr:

genekitr_sym[!genekitr_sym%in%org_sym] %>% head()
## [1] "SPDYE12"      "MCTS2"        "NAV2-AS6"     "SLC66A2P2"    "ARHGAP44-AS1"
## [6] "PHB1P16"
##   input_id  symbol  entrezid         ensembl
## 1  SPDYE12 SPDYE12 100101268 ENSG00000184616

For example, gene 100101268 is officially named as SPDYE12, while in orgdb the name is:

## [1] "SPDYE12P"

Do not worry, if you use genekitr, you can still get exact match:

##   input_id  symbol  entrezid         ensembl
## 1 SPDYE12P SPDYE12 100101268 ENSG00000184616

2.3.7 f7: extract human cell markers

CellMarker database has manually curated over 100,000 published papers, 4,124 entries including the cell marker information, tissue type, cell type, cancer information and source.

Here, geneInfo integrated human cell markers into cell_marker column.

The naming rules is: tissue_type | cancer_type: Tumor(T) or Normal(N) | cell_type, if one gene matches many cell types, they are seperated with ;.

hg_marker_all <- genInfo(org = "human") %>%
  dplyr::select(symbol, cell_marker) %>%
  dplyr::filter(!is.na(cell_marker)) %>%
  tidyr::separate_rows(cell_marker, sep = "; ") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(cell_marker = gsub("^.*\\|", "", cell_marker)) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   symbol cell_marker                                       
##   <chr>  <chr>                                             
## 1 A1BG   Retinoid acid signaling-responsive fetal germ cell
## 2 ADA    Brush cell (Tuft cell)                            
## 3 ADA    Neuroendocrine cell                               
## 4 ADA    Retinoid acid signaling-responsive fetal germ cell
## 5 ADA    Oogenesis phase fetal germ cell                   
## 6 ADA    Mitotic arrest phase fetal germ cell
# select stromal cell markers
hg_marker_all %>%
  dplyr::filter(cell_marker == "Stromal cell") %>%
  dplyr::pull(symbol) %>%
##  [1] "ALCAM"   "ANPEP"   "BST1"    "CD34"    "CD44"    "COL5A1"  "ENG"    
##  [8] "GREM1"   "ICAM1"   "ICAM2"   "ICAM3"   "ITGA1"   "ITGA4"   "ITGAV"  
## [15] "ITGB1"   "ITGB3"   "KIT"     "KLF6"    "LTBR"    "LUM"     "MADCAM1"
## [22] "MCAM"    "MME"     "MMP1"    "MMP2"    "MMP9"    "NGFR"    "NT5E"   
## [29] "PDGFRA"  "PDGFRB"  "PDPN"    "PECAM1"  "PROM1"   "PTPRC"   "THY1"   
## [36] "TIMP1"   "TIMP2"   "TLR1"    "TLR2"    "TLR3"    "TLR4"    "VCAM1"  
## [43] "VIM"